18 09, 2013

Superior WebSense Reporting with WebSpy Vantage

By | 2013-09-18T23:50:33+00:00 September 18th, 2013|How To, Loaders, Reports, Vantage, WebSpy|Comments Off on Superior WebSense Reporting with WebSpy Vantage

WebSense Reporting just got better! If you're using WebSense Web Security Gateway 7.7 or above, you can now import your WebSense log files into WebSpy Vantage and enjoy its extensive Report Templating, Aliasing and scheduling features to get the right report to the right person. Here's how! Configure WebSense's SIEM Integration Options Open your WebSense [...]

20 05, 2013

How to Report on Enterprise Storages – Vantage Guidelines

By | 2013-05-20T06:08:13+00:00 May 20th, 2013|How To, storages, Tips and Best Practices, Vantage|1 Comment

Vantage Giga can be a very effective tool for generating useful management reports on Internet, email, and network activity in large organizations. Because large organizations generally have a large volume of log data to report on, here are a few guidelines on how to report on enterprise storages to help make the reporting process as [...]

20 05, 2013

Management Employee Internet Reports – Enterprise Guidelines

By | 2013-05-20T06:08:02+00:00 May 20th, 2013|How To, Reports, Tips and Best Practices, Vantage|0 Comments

Vantage Ultimate can be a very effective tool for generating useful management employee internet reports on Internet, email, and network activity in large organizations. Because large organizations generally have a large volume of log data to report on, here are a few guidelines to help make the reporting process as efficient as possible. […]

19 05, 2013

How to Report on Custom Logged Data by adding a Custom Field Node

By | 2013-05-19T06:30:18+00:00 May 19th, 2013|How To, IronPort, Reports, Windows Event Logs|0 Comments

Some log formats contain message fields, or other free-form fields which are not easily displayed in reports and summaries, so although these fields are imported from the log files, they are not displayed in the standard summaries when you run an analysis or create a report template. However, you can still add these fields to [...]

18 05, 2013

Anonymize Employee Internet Reports in The Web Module

By | 2013-05-18T07:08:11+00:00 May 18th, 2013|How To, Reports, Tips and Best Practices, Web Module|0 Comments

You can use the Vantage Web Module to anonymize employee internet reports by replacing the details of any field in any report, or analysis, with a random string of characters. This can be done after the reports and storages have been published to the web module, and is a permission that can be set on [...]