27 10, 2010

Google Claim 6.4% of Internet traffic. Help us put this to the test

By | 2010-10-27T02:54:13+00:00 October 27th, 2010|How To, Uncategorized, Vantage, WebSpy, WebSpy News Update|0 Comments

According to recent report, Google has a record slice, 6.4%, of the world’s Internet traffic. An accurate figure? Well, we wanted to put this claim to the test and therefore started off by investigating the share of WebSpy’s traffic to Google sites. We also encourage our Vantage and Analyzer users to do the same thing [...]

16 07, 2009

Video: How To Remove Clutter From Your Web Reports

By | 2009-07-16T09:10:02+00:00 July 16th, 2009|How To, Log File Analysis, Uncategorized, Vantage, Web Browsing Analysis, WebSpy|0 Comments

I was conducting a demonstration the other day on how to use a few tricks in WebSpy Vantage to filter out noise and clutter from web reports. If you have ever looked through the raw list of web sites visited by people in your organization, I'm sure you know what I mean. Watching a single video on YouTube will probably generate a list of about three to five sites such as lax-v41.lax.youtube.com, www.youtube.com, img.youtube.com, and so on. Your list of top sites also probably contains hits to ad servers and tracking servers, such as doubleclick.net, google-analytics.com and imrworldwide.com. All this clutter gets in the way of determining what sites were 'intentionally' visited.