Report Templates: What Goes In A Table?

A table in a report is not limited to just a single summary field, such as user or site or date, all of these can be included in a single table if you want them to.

There are two types of columns that can be included in tables in report templates: Key values and Aggregates.

*Key values are any field that’s recorded in your log files, which has distinct values, such as user, site, date or category.
*Aggregates are values that are summable or are calculated based on data from the key values, such as hits, size and browsing time.

Key Values:

A table in a report can include multiple key and aggregate values, so this means you could have the user’s name and their department; or the user’s name and their IP address; or the name of the website, and the category it belongs to, all in the same table.

To add key values to a table:
1. Go to Reports in Vantage and right-click the template you wish to edit, then choose Edit Template
2. Double-click the node in the template you wish to edit
3. On the General page under Columns click Add | Key
4. Select the Summary you want for your field, and any Alias if applicable (eg Summary: Username / Alias: Departments), and set the Name text box to what you would like displayed as the column title
5. When you are done click OK to add the value to your table
6. Use the up/down arrows on the right to move the column into the desired position in the table

You can add as many key values to the same table as you would like, however the more values you add, the longer it will take to generate this table, and the larger it could become depending on the filters and the Having options you specify.


WebSpy has already defined many aggregates that you may like to use in your report templates, and you can select these easily from the list provided. However, it’s also possible to define your own aggregates if you would like to report on something that is not currently defined.

To add key values to a table:
1. Go to Reports in Vantage and right-click the template you wish to edit, then choose Edit Template
2. Double-click the node in the template you wish to edit
3. On the General page under Columns click Add | Aggregate
4. Select an aggregate from the pre-defined list, or use the Custom option to define your own.
5. Use the up/down arrows on the right to move the column into the desired position in the table

Custom Aggregates:

If you have selected the Custom option to define your own aggregate:
1. Select the type of aggregate you would like from the Aggregate dropdown list. The options are:
* Count – this counts the number of records, for example Hits
* Count Distinct – this counts the number of unique values, for example, the number of Users or the number of Sites
* Sum – this adds up the values, for example Size
* Max – this returns the maximum value, for example the largest single download
* Min – this returns the minimum value, for example the first date/time of access
* Avg – this returns the average value, for example, average session length
2. Select whether you would like to have sessions calculated for your aggregate by checking or unchecking the Calculate Sessions option. This means the field will be restricted to DateTime, as all sessions are calculated based on the date/time stamp of the records. Generally it’s not necessary to select the For checkbox unless you want to calculate the sessions for another summary other than the Key values in your current table.
3. Select whether you would like to have cost associated with this aggregate by checking or unchecking the Cost option. Cost values can be specified in Tools | Options for Size or data or Time of browsing, so cost can only be calculated for aggregates related to Size or DateTime type fields.
4. Select the Field you would like to have associated with your aggregate from the Field dropdown list. Only the fields which apply based on your other selections will be displayed.
5. Set the Name text box to what you would like displayed as the column title. When you are done, click OK to add the aggregate to your report node


1. Whenever you make changes to a report template, on completion of the changes, click Return To Reports on the left, then click the Save Templates link to make a copy of your changes, before running the report.

2. When you run the report, use a test storage, with only a very small amount of data in it. This will allow the report to complete quickly, and let you see whether the changes are what you expected. If they are, then you can run the report on your entire data.

See also:

By | 2013-05-13T13:27:53+00:00 May 13th, 2013|How To, Reports|0 Comments

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